FAQs - Beautifully Gorgeous

1. Where is Beautifully Gorgeous Hair & Beauty located?

Beautifully Gorgeous Hair & Beauty is located in the vibrant heart of Parkstone, Poole. Visit our Contact Us page for the full address and directions.

2. What are your opening hours?

Our salon is open from Monday to Friday [Insert Opening Hours] and Saturday [Insert Opening Hours]. We are closed on Sundays. Please note, opening hours may vary during public holidays.

3. Do I need to book an appointment?

While we welcome walk-in clients, booking an appointment is recommended to ensure you receive timely service from our professional stylists and therapists.

4. What services do you offer?

We provide a wide range of hairdressing and beauty services. This includes haircuts, hair coloring, styling, treatments, facials, skincare solutions, and nail services. Visit our Services page for a detailed breakdown of what we offer.

5. How do I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment by calling us at [Insert Phone Number] or via our online booking system on our website.

6. What products do you use in the salon?

We use a range of high-quality products from leading brands. Our team regularly undergoes training with REDKEN at the L'Oreal Academy London, ensuring we're up-to-date with the best products and techniques.

7. What safety measures are you taking in light of COVID-19?

We are committed to the health and safety of our clients and staff. We follow all local guidelines, including regular sanitization, mask-wearing, and social distancing. For more information, please contact us.

8. Can I purchase a gift card?

Yes, we offer gift cards that can be used for any of our services. These can be purchased at our salon or over the phone.

9. Can I change or cancel my appointment?

Yes, you can change or cancel your appointment. However, we appreciate at least 24 hours notice for cancellations to allow us to accommodate other clients.

10. How can I leave a review or provide feedback?

We value your feedback! You can leave a review on our social media channels or email us directly with any comments or suggestions.

If your question isn't answered above, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help!